The PREDIF Balearic Island Federation (Predif-IB) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities and their families. PREDIF-IB has continually focused its actions in the field of universal accessibility, labor inclusion of people with functional diversity (physical disabilities) and the promotion of their personal autonomy. Predif carries out programs for 100,000 people with disabilities, directly and indirectly, promoting actions for the benefit of all people with physical disabilities in Spain.


Athens Alzheimer Association is a non-profit organization founded in 2002 by people with dementia, their relatives and health care professionals interested in Alzheimer’s disease. It aims to raise awareness of all forms of dementia and improve the quality of life of people with dementia and their families. Currently the Association numbers 5500 official members, has a staff of 70 health professionals and 55 active volunteers and is run by a 7-member elected board. Athens Alzheimer’s Association runs nine Day Care Centers, offering daily care to people affected with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. The Centers’ staff consists of a number of physicians, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, nurses and physiotherapists, as well as administrative personnel.


COAT Onlus is a non-profit organization, founded in early 1999, whose main objective is the development and research for the personalization of computer and electronic aids. It consists of a multidisciplinary working group whose task is to evaluate and guide disabled people and their families to the use of appropriate and customized aids and solutions to the characteristics of the person that can make the subject as autonomous as possible and able to communicate. COAT is a founding member of GLIC (Interregional working group Advice centers for computer and electronic aids for disabled people), which is the national network that gathers Centers specialized in the field of technological aids for people with disabilities.


LebensGroß GmbH, Austria, is an important service provider that assists and accompanies people with disabilities and/or other social disadvantages and society in dismantling barriers with the focus on a socially inclusive society.
Lebenshilfe’s roots are in the 1960s and in the disability field. During the last two decades it widened the range of services to young people at risk (e.g. NEETs, school dropouts) and is, nowadays, focusing generally on people at risk of social exclusion or people who are socially excluded.


Media Creativa is the result of over 20 years of experience, challenges and lessons learned from an interdisciplinary group of professionals who share a common passion: educational innovation.
We work to bring value to learning environments by researching, designing, developing and delivering different training programmes, inspired by innovative methodologies and pedagogical approaches such as storytelling (including digital storytelling), problem-based training, gamification, game-based learning, etc. We focus on seizing the full potential offered by new technologies by using applications, games, web series, webinars and mobile learning.


INCSMPS is a research self-financed institution having as object of activity: research and development in the field of social and humanist sciences. With an experiace of over 25 years, INCSMPS offers social assistance system for the population, for familias, elder, children, disabled persons- diagnosis analysis, impact evaluation, evolution scenarios and policies. The institute is an organization in coordination of Romanian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, which means that is is closely involved in the providing scientific arguments, information and data, to the decisions makers, for developing and implement the strategies and programmes.

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